top of page 首席夏威夷房产经纪人 蔡以祥


Updated: Jan 9, 2022

I Hsiang (Rex) Tsai MD, (RA) RS 75236


Current: Keller Williams Honolulu

Former: Locations LLC

Prospect Unlimited LLC

808 Business Network Leader

Cell Phone: (808) 392-8393

E-mail: or

Office Address: 1347 Kapiolani Blvd 3rd Floor Honolulu HI 96814

  • 夏威夷专业房千萬房经纪人

  • Hawaii Real Estate Ohana Members Circle

  • 2019,2021 Top Producing Agent KW Honolulu

  • 2020,2021 Aloha Aina Realtor Awards Nominee

  • Hawaii Association of Realtors

  • Prospect Unlimited LLC 创办人

  • 购屋夏威夷网- 创办人

  • 808 商业联盟 创办人

  • 美国医学博士






I-Hsiang Tsai, came to Hawaii when he was 13 years old, after many years of endeavors, he got his medical degree in Hawaii. However, instead of going into practicing medicine he started his own business path, started his own company, and initiated different projects internationally. He was a consultant to a public traded medical company in Taiwan and assisted many business entities in different deals in the past. In 2013, he received his Hawaii state real estate license because many of his business ties had the need for real estate investment. Although not currently practicing medicine, he shows his compassionate nature in his real estate work as well. He understands how important it is for a family to have a home. He helped many first-time home buyers and military buyers to get their first homes in Hawaii. With his language ability, he professionally assisted many international investors in getting their first Hawaii investment. With his business background and marketing experience in the past, he extends his marketing reach to many Asia countries. He set up a website mainly tailor to Asia clients and by doing so he is able to not only help the investors but also local sellers who would like to market their homes to both local and international buyers. So far, his success rate is close to 100% and has earned a 5-star rating on the Zillow website as well. Many client’s reviews do reveal that he is a responsible and reliable professional that you and your loved one can rely on.


专业夏威夷房地产经纪人 @ Keller Williams Honolulu

专研于夏威夷高/中级各类房型住宅, 房屋买卖/租赁等等房地产相关服务。 可提供国语,闽南语,以及日文等语言服务。 对于夏威夷房地产及夏威夷相关资讯有兴趣的朋友们,欢迎您随时来信或来电询问任何事宜, 我们都会尽快与您联络,解决您的问题。 因为我们所属夏威夷成长最快也是全美第一的房地产公司,资源信息量丰富,许多还未在市场出售的房地产讯息,我们会在第一时间通报知晓。 甚至有些房地产资讯还未在市场公布,就已经提前通过我们的NETWORK内部平台开始寻找合适的买家。 这是我们的一大优势。 另外我们的KW公司分部分散在美国各州,如果您需要在其他州有可靠的房产经纪人协助您,您也可以与我们联系。

我们的团队除了拥有丰富的专业经验之外,还会凭借所有最新的科技帮您寻找到最适合您要求的房子。 并且我们的客户在搬家,购买家具等后续服务上面也会有一定特享ViP折扣. ,这是对我们客户额外的特别优惠待遇。 如果您需要夏威夷房地产的服务,理所当然就应该选择最专业的!房产经纪人蔡以祥协助了许多本地以及亚洲投资人顺利投资房产在夏威夷。 他的亲切态度以及诚信为本的信念值得您相信。 房产买卖您需要一位可以相信的房产经纪人协助。

简单介绍:蔡以祥13岁来到夏威夷, 经过许多不同的历练以及努力, 在2年内克服语言的障碍并在之后取得高中全校第一名,并且以全校第一的总高分进入夏威夷大学以及之后的医学院 。 取得医学院博士后,创办了808商业联盟,Prospect Unlimited LLC。 期间学习了网页开发相关专业, 并协助台湾的软体公司开发医学软体.。 有幸多次提供 中国国家官员拜访夏威夷州市长见面交流的安排与同步翻译服务。 台湾狮子会分部以及中国多方投资人都长期保持紧密合作关系。 这几年中,由于越来越多的客户朋友们询问以及寻求房地产买卖,在2013年他取得了夏威夷地产业 OHANA MEMBER 的成员资格。 OHANA MEMBER 团体成员都是经过层层筛选,专业定期考核培训,通常在这团体里面都是至少十年以上丰富经验的房地产经纪人,资深房地产律师,会计师等等。 今年來也是多次突破銷售記錄,成為KW的後起之秀- 800多萬美金的土地也在上市後 25天內協助客戶尋找到合適買家又一次為客戶創造了奇蹟。 相信他的專業以及對協助客戶的熱情會幫助到許多需要夏威夷房地產的投資人。

2021 年- 连续数月在 KW HONOLULU 公司排名前几名,而且是独立房地产经纪人中的佼佼者。如果您需要一位您可以信赖的房产经纪人 您已经找到了。

极高的成功率,诚信的服务, 5星的客户评价

扫描2微码加微信- 询问夏威夷房产以及投资事宜




808 商业联盟是PROSPECT UNLIMITED LLC 公司的旗下项目之一。

公司服务宗旨是以商家提供宣传推广平台,海外投资项目,EB5移民投资,房地产投资管理等相关服务而开办的商业NETWORK。我们公司是正规美国合法注册公司,随着近年来越来越多的杰出专业人士的加入,让我们更好的为顾客提供相关专业服务。 无论是会计师,律师,医生,设计,房地产仲介,药剂师,或是旅游,808商业联盟都可以提供最好的服务。

投资项目会因为每个投资者不同的投资理念以及兴趣来设定衡量。 不过有一点不变的!--我们的诚信。 我们以双赢的信念与各投资人以及商家合作,创造机会/机会创造。如果需要近一步的相关讯息或是資料请与我们联系。


" I think Rex is a realtor who is standing on your side. He is not the one who just wants to make the sale. He helped me so much when I was in a rush to find a place. He went to open house with me even when there was a storm. And he is an expert in negotiation as well. And he even reminded me to schedule with the electric company to turn on the electricity. I am looking forward to working with Rex again. "

Mr. Guo Honolulu, HI


" Rex is a consummate real estate professional. He listens, pays attention to my preference and our conversation. He actively solicits feedback from me without being pushy and assisted me in narrowing down my condo search. At stressful moments, he brings back laughter, joy, and calmness to cheer me on my condo purchase process. I would definitely recommend him and will engage him should I be looking for another piece of real estate. "

Bernard Tan Honolulu


The great home buying experience with Rex! Responsive, diligent, professional. Highly recommend Rex provide me good advice to do a 1031 exchange which provided me tax deferral benefits. It was a last-minute decision and he was able to get it all organized on time to meet the seller's schedule. It was a tenant-occupied unit that I was doing the exchange for and Rex managed the tenant relationship nicely. He provided me with many helpful pieces of advice and insights during the process. Really appreciate it"

Tony Wong


"Rex is very helpful. He is a “master” in creating strategies for our offer to be accepted. He is responsive to all questions and stays up all night to assist. He is a realtor that can be trusted. Very comfortable to work with, it’s like working with a friend. Very knowledgeable. The best realtor in town!"

Sheir Casandra Devera


Dr. Tsai provided me with outstanding service, particularly in those unprecedented times during the COVID-19 crisis. He provided me detailed and timely help and instructions during the transaction. His service really goes "above and beyond" my expectations of a REALTOR®'s role. It was my honor to nominate Dr. Tsai for the Honolulu Board of REALTORS® 2021 Aloha ‘Āina REALTOR® Awards.

Guo Xiang


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